Sunday, April 1, 2018

Moving On in March: What Persevering Looked Like

March's perseverance was a bit different. It was less externally results based and more about mindfulness, finding balance, and figuring out balance on the journey. The checking off the to-do list took a back seat to figuring out why I put certain items on the to-do list and really evaluating if I'm living out my values.

I did a lot less and lived a lot more. Yes, there are things I have to do, but I also get to choose how I spend much of my time. The small, everyday moments are everything, movement is not always progress, and what I do matters, especially if it's offering my time with love.

In March I:

watched beeswax melt;
rejoiced over seeds sprouting;
signed out of my virtual life for four straight days;
became more okay with our homeschool life leaning towards the unstructured side;
stopped just trying to get to the next thing.

I also:

Made My Phone a Phone

I have not been able to access social media on my phone for a while, but I took a step out of my comfort zone and now cannot access email on it. This means if I want to check email, I have to sit down at my computer with an intentional purpose. It's fabulous.

Practiced 52/17

The change in my freelance situation has left me with a ton of projects that I've started but not completed. It's messed with my focus. Where do I put my time?  What if I decide to just scoot over, open another document, oh, wait, what was I working on? How is it one in the morning and I have NOTHING completed to show for all the time I've been sitting here opening 64 documents?

I ran across the 52/17 rule, and it has helped me with focus. Basically, you stick to one task for 52 minutes and then give yourself a brain break for 17. No flipping between windows, scanning websites when I should be focusing, or forgetting what I was doing in the first place.


I wrote in mindfulness journals, practiced The Artist's Way journaling, wrote pieces and submitted, wrote pieces and didn't submit.  Here are two that found homes.

I Found the Secret to Connecting with My Tween

Stop Telling Me to Put My Twins in Matching Clothes


I had some goals for Lent. As usual, God took them and turned them into something better, both showing I am incapable of doing what He did and bringing me through Lent a different person.


I have flirted with meditation for months, but I committed in March. I meditate on my own and with the kids, and the kid-attended sessions are entertaining. During our first, one kid was jumping and one kid was farting and one kid said "stop farting, I'm meditating", and one kid answered, "you can't stop farts" and if you can find your happy place among all the talking and the room smelling like ass, well, congratulations because you are amazing at meditation.

For creativity's sake and calm, I also meditate alone.

I worked through A Book That Takes Its Time, an amazing mindfulness journey. It has helped me immeasurably, and I will review it in March's book review post.


D and I have been married for 12 years. Our anniversary is in the middle of March, and we spent it preparing to take the kids on a vacation with friends. It was perfect. We woke up to a mountain view and the kids asking to feed the horses. I was fascinated watching D hot tub with little people and take them for rides in the canoe. I got lucky with this guy.

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