Friday, August 28, 2015

Still Here, Still Eating

It’s been a while since a menu post.  Honestly, I have given myself four more weeks to finish the first draft of the novel, and I think I can do it.  However, it’s a time consuming task if there ever was one.  Some days I feel really good about what I’m writing; some days I don’t even want to look at the words on the page.  I’m also trying to work out a bit, read because it helps give me inspiration to write, work on my Spanish (49% fluent, though in reality I am still not sure that is true except in the world of DuoLingo).  Certain aspects of the blog have been left lonely and sad.  I don’t want it to be that way.  When I look back at the blog, I’m glad I’ve kept a record of what’s been going on.  I only have so much memory storage in my brain, and so I’m pretty sure that failure to record events somewhere would result in them just being lost in whatever is left of my mind. 

With that, I’m going to menu post a bit, though it will just be a general list since I can’t remember what we ate each day.  Keeping up with what we eat helps me grocery plan and may be an invaluable tool if we have to start cutting out cross reactive food in January.

I’m pretty proud of this list; after the Celiac remission test fail, I was prepared to feel the overwhelming ick of dealing with food when food was not what I wanted to think about.  God really changed my heart in that area, and I accepted the crazy kitchen challenge with a much more grateful heart than I expected to.  

Paleo Empanadas-We used this recipe even though it’s not for empanadas.  I baked them instead of boiling.
Slow Cooker Paleo Orange Chicken with snap peas and carrots-This was not my favorite, but it was edible.
Naked Burritos with the Homemade Refried Beans from the 100 Days of Real Food Cookbook
Potato Soup from 100 Days of Real Food Cookbook
Chicken Enchilada Casserole-We didn’t use corn tortillas, but we did sprinkle a few corn chips on to give it some crunch.  The homemade enchilada sauce was AMAZING!
Turkey burgers with chia seeds and spinach mixed in
Arrowroot flour tortillas used as crepes with the chocolate sauce from the 100 Days of Real Food Cookbook

Sides and snacks included:
Raw veggies
Potato bites cooked in olive oil with salt and pepper
Tons of fruit
Banana swirl

The 100 Days of Real Food Cookbook has been interesting.  Five years ago, I would have freaked out over this book.  Now I think it’s got some great recipes, but if you have food allergies, there is a bit of modifying that needs to be done.  If you are coming off a highly processed, eating out diet, this cookbook is great.  If you have a ton of food allergies, it’s still worth a look.  The writer has done her homework.

I'm ready for the Texas weather to calm down so I can figure out a way to incorporate pumpkin into all of our fall meals.  In fall, I like to cook and get fluffy.  It is my favorite season!  

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